Sunday, January 23, 2011

school leadership

             It is believed that a school is like a system of a whole body where the school head/principal is the head. Without a leader a system will not functions well. It would then be like a flock without a shepherd or a ship without a captain or an airplane without a pilot since a leader will serve as a direction. Therefore, managing a school is not an easy bent because of its large scale of control that a leader needs to think carefully about. The effectiveness of the school head can be manifested by the totality of the performance of the school system. If a school performs well then it follows that a school is being manage by an effective leader.     The implication of an effective school leader to the system is really very essential.  If the leader is skilled in dealing with his/her followers then together as one they will achieved the desired success of the school.
            All over the world, school leadership has become a priority in education policy agendas. It plays a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and capacities of teachers, as well as the school climate and environment. Effective school leadership is necessary to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling. As our country is seeking to adapt educational systems that meet the needs of contemporary society we have moved towards decentralization, making schools more independent in their decision making and holding them more responsible for outcomes. Research has shown that school leaders can make a difference in school and student performance if they are granted independence in making important decisions. However independence alone does not guarantee improvements unless it is well supported. In addition, it is important that the core responsibilities of school leaders be clearly defined and delimited. School leadership responsibilities should be defined through an understanding of the practices most likely to improve teaching and learning.
            School leadership to be more effective should promote and implement change and a leader is someone who could bring about change in a school. It also follows that a leader is a risk taker who is not afraid to welcome and go for innovation with a unified vision that geared towards the betterment of the school. As Manasse, 1986 puts it, to actively change an organization; leaders must make decisions about the nature of the desired state."Leadership requires vision. It is a force that provides meaning and purpose to the work of an organization. Leaders of change are visionary leaders, and vision is the basis of their work. “They begin with a personal vision to forge a shared vision with their coworkers. Their communication of the vision is such that it empowers people to act. Their vision of their school or district provides purpose, meaning, and significance to the work of the school and enables them to motivate and empower the staff to contribute to the realization of the vision.
            The relationship between the teachers' and administrators' vision is important. Administrators' vision tends to encompass the whole system or as described by Manasse (1986) their vision is an organizational vision. Teachers' vision appears to focus primarily on the individual or personal actions for school change. However, to closely examine teachers' and administrators' visions this may reveal that both groups of educators are looking at the same vision but attending to different aspects. School administrators that have developed a shared vision with their faculty have also created common ground that serves to facilitate or compel action to the realization of this common vision. Frequently underlying a shared vision are teachers' and administrators' shared values and beliefs, specifically believing that schools are for students' learning. Shared vision could possibly a great way to the fulfillment of the common goal of the school they may function differently according to their abilities and respective obligations but geared towards their unified goal or target. If only the school head would have this kind of mentality in leading the school which foster concern to the welfare of the students then our educational system would make a difference.

my self

Me as a LEADER

Me as a leader
               As I see myself as a leader I come across to an idea that there are still many things that I need to know and learn for me to become a good and effective leader.
                 According to Lisa Dewey in her five qualities of a good leader she states that a leader is someone who helps others do and become more than they ever thought possible. Leadership is about unlocking potential, whether individual potential or that of a group, company, or organization. It is not about telling people what to do, but inspiring them to see what they are capable of, then, helping them get there. Therefore, I need to inspire other people especially my students for them to make use of their potentials and shine according to their own inclination.
                 It is being said that a leader is useless without followers; I also learned that our followers is very important in our being a leader. In addition, we need to attract followers who will follow us and share with our aspirations and dreams with common goal to achieve success. However, it is also important to take into account on the part of the leader to give its followers the assurance and confidence of one’s leadership in such a way they will be enabled and empowered to do their part in the fulfillment of the group’s target.
                 I also learned that good communicative skills play an important role to a leader because it is a tool for him to bridge the gap between its followers. Without a good communication processes in an organization a healthy relationship between the leader and the followers could be very impossible to happen.
                 From the Seven Qualities of a Good Leader presented by Barbara White the first quality she mentioned is that a good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads. I then realized that sound value system is essential to a good leader since it is an aid for a leader to gain respect from its followers. Therefore, I need to check every now and again my value system whether it is anchored to morality and what is expected of me as a leader or as a teacher.
                 Deep inside me I know that I have the qualities of being a good leader but I also have my weaknesses that somehow hinders me and my group to achieved our desired goals. To mention of my weaknesses are; I lack time management, I am easily discouraged with failures and I am also easily get irritated with the unpleasant behavior of my members/followers. These are the things that I need to work out with in order for me to become an effective leader. Indeed, being a leader is not as an easy  responsibility but eventually with the great determination the qualities of being a good leader can be learned in due time only if am open to changes, I will have the determination to change and I am willing to accept corrections for me to improve my skills in leading people.